Thursday, April 4, 2013

Good or Great

I surprisingly found Good Friday to be very good. Some holidays can be really rough, simply because little happens and it feels like something should. Something more. And when it simply just comes and goes without being marked by THAT something, whatever it may be, I tend to feel like I lost something even if I never had it...How good it is though when an unexpected encounter illuminates your whole day? I haven't seen her in 3 years and even then, it was briefly. To see her the other day it was like no time at all passed. And Erin is one of those people you just feel better when you're around her; she always seems happy to be alive. I was primarily motivated to see Steph and the new babe, but after she left I had an afternoon and evening of good company and conversation. And so I am reminded of the little things. I realize I often overlook the little things in the desire to see the big things. Its like looking for the rainbow without enjoying the rain. Or the bowl of ice cream and not appreciating the spoon. Maybe not that last one; really, maybe not the first one either....but a bike ride on a beautiful day or revisting my old stomping grounds or a homemade meal or some encouraging words. Those are things, or deeds rather because I don't particularly like the word "things", that need to be recognized and cherished. 


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