Sunday, November 27, 2011


'Tis the season, officially.  You know one of the things I like most about the season? 'Tis is a completely appropriate expression.  That and Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer. Sure, there are other great things too.  Namely, the ability to sleep in with no rush to get anywhere.  That's pretty great too.  It's not that I'm super busy, but my days seem to slip away from once work, the gym, and even coming home. 
But throw in some sleep, some booze, and some pie and I'm rejuvenated.  I wish I had something like this going on, but it turned out more like this.
Not too shabby at all. The only thing missing, really, was Steph. She's contributed to my pie days for the past few years, but our lives are so very different. Not one over the other, just different.  And I'm okay with that; not all the time, no, but this was bound to happen.
But she typically reads the reciepe; I don't.  I must of looked at a piece of paper 4 times total and still got an amazing result. 3 amazing results actually.  With a couple glasses of wine and a huge mess to clean up I was the most relaxed I've been in quite awhile.  Maybe I should bake everyday. Cheers.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dog Days

Waking up dehydrated on a Saturday can only mean your Friday night consisted of one thing. Well, it could've consisted of many things, but it definnitly consisted of a particular thing. 
First grade had a helluva day, and it only seemed fitting for the adults to end it with adult beverages.  As for the kids, well I don't know what they're expected to end it with.
But I think I've hit my breaking point. Whatever that looks like. 
The side effets are really what I'm going off of - sleep deprivation, irritability, anti-socialization. 
Too much has gone on far too long. Of course my father thought he could fix it, or that he knew what I could do to fix it, and all I really wanted was someone to listen. Being able to sit and talk to someone who is going through it with me, however painful it is, subsided the sting for bit. JB has a good ear for it. I'm pretty sure, no I'm sure, she's at her breaking point too.  I think we're just waiting, knowing one of else will spill out once we hit the next corner.

photos from thebeautifulmindofvictoria