Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Even So

"The sight of all that time-worn stone, shaped grain by grain over thousands and thousands of years, made it seem like the place had been created by a very patient God." - Half Broke Horses

Goodness gracious. Goodness and graciousness. Work has been much busier lately. More work and less working out, which puts my in a bit of a tizzie. But the drain of extra running around combined with not eating healthy didn't do me any service as far as trying to get to the gym. I've felt a bit...crabby. That's really the only way to say it, and I can't quite put my finger on why. I've been spending a lot of time with people, but I don't think its been necessarily enjoyable time. Certian encounters might have made me a bit leary; feeling like people want control over everything or let me know that they know everything or just questioning everything. Maybe I'm just incredibly defensive, but I don't know if I'm being very nice.  I'm short and corrective, even to people who don't deserve it. I'm avoiding hanging out with people. The turn-around needs to happen; me being more conscious of my vibe and energy before I start becoming people's target. Or before I just get bitter. 

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