Thursday, November 8, 2012


Sometimes, at really random moments, I find myself wondering what ever happened to someone I once crossed paths with. And it usually is just once. Like that guy from New Zealand who sat down next to me to smoke a cigar outside a cafe in Korea. Or that girl I met in a hostel in Ireland trying to attend Trinity College. What about that girl I went to school with for a bit or played basketball with for a bit way back when? And the guy who followed Jeremy and I around on our UK backbacking adventure...There are so many people I've met, officially or unofficially in my life. Maybe I needed them for just that moment or that time; maybe I was supposed to hang onto them longer and I didn't.  I'm not always sure, but I do wish to have another conversation with them. Not only do I want to hear about what the've been doing, but I have stories as well. I have things I've done since we last met, or first met for some individuals. Nontheless, the idea of reconnecting with someone who doesn't know you now and who may have know you very little then is somewhat attractive. But so often it seems we actually avoid these people. I find myself, and others, walking right by people I recognize and not saying a word.  I know they recognize me too because we make eye contact that says "Oh hey ... you...I'm going this way." We don't make eye contact for too long because then we'd have to give into it. And what if we did just look long enough that we had to say more? Something?

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