Tuesday, February 13, 2018

God Save Our Young Blood

The gamet is wide. From a first-thing-in-the-morning hug to a "Fuck you".  There are genuine moments of success, of relationships where a positive connection is made.  Sometimes, I dare say, I even think a kid respects me.  But then I can have the complete opposite thought, a completely contradicting experience, even with the the same kid where they seeming turn on me.  Most actions or words of hate are completely irrational; it comes from something festering on the insie that has nothing to do with me. Even kids who act in accordance with just getting their way - that was cultivated by someone else and has been use to growing so isn't going to die out easily. And there are many (however many) a kids who I am not going to be THAT person for or to. THAT one who can break them or reach them or connect with them and they lean on when they need to.
I, too though, have a bit of a difficult time with being rejected.  I'm a fairly easy person to please and ultimately have one rule of thumb: don't be an asshole. That's sure to lose favor, I hate to say it.  I just have very little patience for diliberate disregard for other people. Unfortunately, there's a lot of that on a day to day basis where I work. Sometimes I really don't understand why it's so hard to just be nice to people....
But I know I have those kids who I have an A+ with....we jive well and I've been able to form a good, positive relationship.  I don't know how or why all the time, and I am aware that its different from kid to kid. I wish there was a formula to it, something that worked time and time again. However, it seems that's part of the challenge and the artistry. 

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