Thursday, December 9, 2010

Counting Days and Sheep

While I lived in Seoul I quickly adopted the habit of falling asleep with the TV on or my Ipod plugged into my ears.  I lived in a one room apartment on the 7th floor. Everything in Seoul is built right next to or on top of each other, creating a mass of noise well into the night.  I don't know if I was trying to drown it out, or add to it with a more familiar sound.  Maybe to drown out all my worries and anxieties about being where I was. But somehow it has become difficult for me to fall asleep in a hush.  I've been home for over a year now, and the uneasiness of dead silence still has an unexplainable affect on me.  

In these cold nights I've been waking up just to rewrap the covers snug around me, and the presence of the subtle noise distracts my mind long enough to fall right back to sleep. But even that hasn't been able to lift my droopy eyes and stop my yawning throughout the day.  I've been downing massive amounts of coffee and tea to try to keep up with the kids and with my workouts. 
Just to get to Christmas break...then I have crash written on the calendar.

photos via The Steward and

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