Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cry If You Want To

I already have myself pegged.  I'm going to be the kind of parent who is asked why her kid is throwing herself on the floor while yelling and refusing to get up and responds "because she wants to eat candy for breakfast and I won't let them."  And why does your kid have a knot on his forehead and responds "because I told him to get off the kitchen table and he did. He fell off."  Or why does your kid wears their pajamas to school every day and responds "because he likes them.  They're probably comfortable." 
I'm not one to panic, though people tell me its different when you have your own kid; EVERYTHING is different then.  But I wonder if me not panicking causes others' panic.

I can sense a bit of urgency with other's at work, usually when I'm not in a panic,  and they seem to think I should be up in arms.  Really?  They're kids - things happen.  Things like bumps and bruises, and snot, and spills, and pouting, and tears, and running away, and tiredness, and hitting, and, well, I'm just not going to have my undies in a bundle about it. It just seems practical to make a kid knock if off if they need to......not always because you need them to.
Besides, you put your foot down for everything, not only is your foot going to hurt, but you're going to miss out on some riotous moments. Absolutely side-splitting.
photos via anticstore

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