Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My frustrations have unexpected ways of revealing themselves.  Even at 26 years old I stand back and say, "Hey, where did that come from?"  Like a 9 mile run after work.  On Saturday after a long week it was 14 miles - the furthest I've ever made the legs pump.  
I'm not so good at letting my words carry my frustrations, often on purpose, because I typically feel like a little kid when I allow that to happen.  I bit my lip time after time until that's too painful to keep at, and then start blaming everyone for the blood running down my chin. That is, if I can catch my breath.
Yeah, something like that.
It seems to occur when people act as though they have insight into a situation they have never been in...they happen to know more than you because their position says so, not the fact they've actually been in the trenches.  Really, you're going to pull that card? I know I'm young, and I know you make more than I do, but let's stop there. 

E was so chipper today it makes dealing with "grown-ups" worth it.

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