Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanks, Thank You

Note to self: don't drink a glass of wine and then try to hang pictures. Do drink a glass of wine and make some pie. This little place of mine smells delicious and feels so cozy thanks to that oven.  I'm just trying to make it a little longer; I was trying to make it a little longer but didn't. We're into the next day now, Thanksgiving day, feeling a little more refreshed but a little older too when I can't make it past 10:30. I haven't yet reached the unknown state of exhaustion, or at least I haven't surpassed it. Maybe tied, which means I've been here before and made it through. I have a lot to be thankful for right now, and at other not nows. I should be thankful most of the time, and I don't think I ever really take the opportunity to share or even acknowledge some of the things.

I am thankful for this new place of mine. The space and freedom and furniture and appliances and that everything has gone fairly smoothly with the transitions thus far. That I can hang my own pictures and make my own pie. I am thankful for this meal I'm going to enjoy today; that I have a family willing to put on such a feast. I am thankful for my job. As thin as it seems to be wearing me sometimes, I laugh. I laugh a lot. Just yesterday my little "eyes" was so excited to be there,  and a co-worker had me in absolute stitches. We generally get a long as staff, and that's a blessing. 
You throw in the things we, I, take for granted every day - warm clothes, 3 meals a day, a bed, cleansliness and hygeniene, my car, glasses so I can see, tennis shoes, and on and on and on....I am thankful for this time of year, being my favorite.

photos via amodernhepburn

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