Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Can't, Cannot

I'm adding up all the things I cannot do. Like cook. I'm not a picky eater and I still don't think I'm any good with a stove and a pan. Even my baking is typically a hit or miss, more often a miss. I can't ski; though I've been only once thevery thought of it kind of makes my knees wobble.  I don't have the coordination. Which does away with dancing. Athleticism does not lead to dancing feet. Pool - cue balls and pockets work against me. I'm as tone deaf as they come, not able to replicate a single line of a song on key. Truely. It's bad. One of my cats would run and hide under the bed while the other would run at me - straight to my face if he could, as if to say "make it stop or I will!" I can't play an instrament. I can't paint. I can't juggle. No card tricks or magic tricks of any kind. The list goes on and on. And things I may not even know.

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